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CCO Intern Roles

Interning at the CCO Office includes a number of diverse work projects. Among other things, all CCO interns will participate in resume/cover letter reviews, collaborate for major events such as Professional Palooza and the Internship and Career Fair, and meet with their CCO mentor on a weekly basis. In addition, each CCO intern will be loosely placed within a “speciality” where they will complete projects that fit more specifically with their skills and passions. These roles and their descriptions can be found below:

Employer Relations

The Employer Relations Intern will focus on the relationship and interaction our student body has with outside businesses/organizations. Most often this means that the Employer Relations Intern will be consistently engaged in communications with businesses that are seeking to hire Taylor students for either full-time, part-time, or summer job opportunities. The intern will also facilitate employer visitations and ensure that their needs are met as they attempt to reach our students. Necessary for this role are excellent communication and organizational skills (especially via email).


The CCO design intern is responsible for creating marketing materials for the office’s events and programming. This includes the creation and production of posters, tabletop flyers, and any other physical pieces as well as digital graphics to use for social media and email promotions. The design intern is usually looked to for fresh concepts and ways to reimagine the designs for events that campus may already be familiar with. Another main project for the design intern is creating the office’s Annual Report in the spring. This is a publication that showcases the data collected and organized from the First Destination Data project, as well as a synopsis of the CCO’s work throughout the year.


Communications Interns will take the lead on spreading the word about office-related events. Their primary responsibilities will involve creating and posting content on social media (mostly Instagram). Beyond social media, Communications Interns are in charge of submitting event information to the student announcements, hanging posters, and thinking creatively about different ways to increase student awareness of the office. Finally, the Communications Coordinator will strive to keep all office communication on schedule and consistent. This involves creating monthly communication calendars and regular check-ins with event teams.

Data Analytics

The Data Analytics intern is mostly in charge of finding the first destination data and working on projects as requested by departments. The projects are fairly simple; you just have to be able to shift through data. The majority of the work is in excel, or more specifically Google sheets (which , yes is objectively worse but more convenient for the office). You can thrive in this role if you have worked with excel before. It is also helpful if you have good problem solving techniques, and are organized. The majority of the work is just sorting data into the right places so being organized and problem solving is important. You also get to work on other projects but primarily focus on these data projects.

Promising Ventures Support

Promising Ventures is a daughter organization of the CCO Office and seeks to connect students to people and experiences that will accelerate entrepreneurial aspirations toward the creation of high impact ventures. Promising Ventures believes students here at Taylor have ideas that can help their community and desires to help them take the next step to making those ideas a reality. The intern assigned to the Promising Ventures will work closely with the Director of Promising Ventures to assist and execute key programming such as Shark Tank and the new Promising Ventures Fellowship. Necessary skills include organization, strong leadership capabilities, and a willingness to work independently.

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